Medical Basic Training Course Introduction
Upon completion of this lesson, you will become familiar with:
- Other participants and the respective organizations they represent, the course coordinator, the instructors and the support staff.
- The following aspects of the course: Purpose, objectives, evaluation and methodology, materials to be used, course schedule, facilities and ground rules.
1.0 Personal Introductions
Instructors, assistants, and support personnel should introduce themselves to the group. The instructor will have the participants introduce themselves or introduce a fellow participant
2.0 Course Materials
- participants Workbook (WB)
- Reference Material (RM)
3. Course Purpose and Objective
3.1 Purpose
To provide the participants the knowledge and skills needed to render aid on-site to sick or injured persons, to stabilize their condition and prepare them for transport to a medical facility.
3.2 Performance Objectives
In the final practical evaluation, you will be given three scenarios — a trauma case, a medical emergency, and a childbirth — you will respond to them one at a time using the procedures you will learn in this course. You will be able to:
- Receive and register the request for assistance.
- Respond to the scene, evaluate it and report the situation.
- Request the resources needed and secure the scene.
- Cain access to the victim and evaluate his/her condition
- Select all the necessary equipment
- Stabilize the patient at the scene
- Package and prepare the patient for transport
- Report the condition of the patient and the treatment given.
- Prepare the equipment for the next emergency.
You will be provided all the basic equipment of a Medical First Responder, the forms and the personal protective equipment. You will have 15 minutes to complete all the steps established in the protocol for each incident.
3.3 Training Objectives
Upon completion of the course, you will be able to:
- List the steps for preparing the medical first ponderer’s equipment.
- Describe the method for receiving and documenting a request for assistance, reporting on the situation and requesting resources.
- List the steps for securing the scene and gaining access to the victim.
- Describe patient assessment and select the correct equipment to provide care.
- Describe the procedures for stabilizing, preparing and transporting a patient.
- Complete a report on a patient’s condition and the treatment given.
4. Course Methodology
The course methodology is highly participatory and allows constant interaction between the instructor and participants. Participants will be required to gain some background knowledge as well as acquire manual skills. Instructional and performance objectives are clearly stated at the beginning of each lesson.
5. Participant Testing and Course schedule
See the MFR Course Evaluation System chart on the next page. There are a total of 23 lessons which includes a General Review (Lesson 22), and a Final Practical Evaluation (Lesson 23). Each lesson is followed by an open-book Post-Test (self-test), to reinforce the material covered. Post-Tests will not be collected by the instructors.
Unit Tests: The lessons are grouped into six units, each followed by a Unit Test at the end of Lessons 5, 7, 11, 14, 17 and 21, each one worth 100 points.
There are Practical Exercises at the end of Lessons 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 18, 19, and 21. You must complete all exercises satisfactorily.
There are two Group Presentations: one after Lesson 13 and another after Lesson 21. You must complete both Group Presentations satisfactorily.
There is a Group Exercise after Lesson 19. Each group will be given the same surprise scenario. You will be required to use all your MFR skills and complete the scenario as learned in the course. This is not a scored exercise.
The Final Practical Evaluation at the end of the course will include three stations with simulated situations typical of the region.
Station 1:; Trauma Cate 100 points (80 points to pass)
Station 2: Medical Emergency 50 points (40 points to pass)
Station 3: Childbirth 50 points (40 points to pass)
In the final Practical Evaluation) you must complete ell steps
Identified for each of the three stations
in the respective evaluation form and established protocol.
Daily Lesson Evaluations: At the end of each lesson, you will be asked to rate the instructor and lesson content, and provide comments. At the end of each day, you will identify what has worked well and what needs improvement.
Overall Course Evaluation: You will be asked to critique the MFR Course as a whole, and identify its strengths and weaknesses.
Conditions for Passing the Course
Punctual attendance at all activities (lessons, practices, and evaluations) is mandatory.
Minimum score on Unit Tests is 70 points. Your overall average must be a minimum of 70 points in order to participate in the Final Practical Evaluation.
Make-up tests: If you do not receive a passing score on one of the Unit Tests, you will receive one make-up opportunity per test. The make-up Unit Tests will be in the same format and in the presence of at least two instructors. The highest score possible on j a make-up Unit Test is 70 points, regardless of your actual score. If you are unable to pass any one of the make-up tests, you will not be able to take any remaining tests. In this case, you may continue the course at your own discretion. You will receive only a letter of attendance after completing all remaining course activities, including exercises.
Practical Exercises: Your performance on all practical exercises must be satisfactory.
Group Presentation: Your group must achieve a passing score.
Final Practical Evaluation: Likewise, only one make-up .1 opportunity will be given for each station in the Final Practical evaluation. You must pass each make-up station before proceeding to the next station. You must pass all three stations to successfully complete the course. If you are unable to pass any one make-up Practical Evaluation, you will receive only a letter of attendance as described above.
After successfully completing all Unit Tests and the Final Practical Evaluation, you will receive a Certificate of Completion.
- Registration Forms
You will be required to complete the following forms. The instructor will collect these forms during the first day of the course.
- Course Registration Form
- Health and Dietary Requirements Form
- Liability Release Form
- Facilities and Ground Rules
Classroom Etiquette
- Smoking is prohibited inside any building; participants will be able to smoke outside during breaks.
- No eating or drinking in the classroom (this may be modified by the course coordinator to allow drinking tea or coffee, etc.).
- Interruptions will only be permitted for emergencies. The administrative staff will post messages for the participants, which you can retrieve during breaks. Mobile (cellular) phones and beepers must be off or set to silent/vibrate mode.
Meal Schedule:
Covered expenses:
Extra expenses (telephone calls, laundry, drinks or other):
Reservations, confirmations, itineraries, changes, should be directed to administrative staff.
Emergency procedures
First aid kit
Reference Material
- File
You cm bring up any questions or issues to the attention of the Instructors, If they are unable to answer your question at the time, It will be recorded In the “File” and will be covered later at the appropriate time,

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