
Organizing and Starting a CSSR Operation

Organizing and Starting a CSSR Operation Define a collapsed structure search and rescue operation. Describe the structure of a CSSR squad and the positions within it. List the five phases of a CSSR operation. List the six stages of the Operations Phase. List the five … Read more

Types And Uses Of Basic Knots In Rescue Operations

OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to: List the basic knots used in rescue operations. List the types of knots according to usage. Describe Knots (Rescue Knots). Rescue Knots: There are several knots used in the rescue. These are given below … Read more

Basic Rescue Course Introduction

OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this lesson, you will become familiar with: Names and background information of the course instructors, support staff and the other participants. The following aspects of the course that will be covered in this lesson: Expectations Objectives Methodology Testing Materials Logistics Course … Read more