
Fire Operation Strategies: Size Up and Assessment

OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this lesson you will be able to: Define Size Up. Describe the importance of Size Up. Describe the acronym “COAL WAS WEALTH”. Define Scene Assessment. Describe the role of incident Commander. Describe how to Approach the Fire. Describe the Monitoring of … Read more

Incident Command System And Emergency Response Levels

OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to: Define Incident Command System (ICS). Describe the main sections of ICS. Describe the role of Incident Commander (Watch Manager or Officer in Charge). Describe the role of the Safety Officer. Describe three emergency response … Read more

Glossary (Fire Definitions) – Guide to Fire Safety and Absolute Temperature

Guide to Fire Safety and Temperature Concepts Fire safety and temperature management are essential components of various industries, from construction to chemical processing. This article delves into critical definitions, including Absolute Temperature, a universal temperature scale vital in scientific measurements, and Autoignition Temperature, which highlights … Read more

Complete Building Safety Information Checklist for Inspections

BUILDING INFORMATION FORM Building’s Name: ___________________________________ Owner’s Name: ____________________________________ Address of the building: _____________________________ Contact Numbers: _________________________________ BUILDING INFORMATION 1. Building Type: Commercial Residential Office Shop/Market Warehouse Factory House Others: ________________________ 2. Ownership: Government Private Mixed 3. Structure: Brick masonry Concrete Covered area: ___________ No. … Read more

Fire Fighting Tools Equipments and Accessories

OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to Define tools, equipment and accessories (TEA). List five categories of fire TEA according to their use. List and describe the use and specification of fire TEA. List general steps for use and maintenance of … Read more

The Professional Firefighter’s Role in Fire Scene Preservation

This article has been written to clarify the role and responsibilities of fire suppression personnel, illustrating important considerations in the fire investigation process and explaining the impact of firefighter’s efforts in preserving the fire scene and physical evidence. PRESERVATION OF THE FIRE SCENE AND PHYSICAL … Read more

What is Difference the Between Fog and Smog?

Smog  Fog  Haze Vog and Mist are these common words we listen in environmental terms. What is the difference between Mist,  Fog, Smog, Haze, and Vog will be defined below.? What is the Difference Between Fog and Smog? Fog: Fog is condensed water vapor on tinny … Read more

Fire Fighting Foam and Foam Making Equipment

OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to: Describe Firefighting foam, composition & contents of foam. List the classification of foam and Foam Fire Extinguisher. Describe the types of foam compounds. Describe the action of foam. Describe the foam equipment & their … Read more