Emma Lee

Complete Building Safety Information Checklist for Inspections

BUILDING INFORMATION FORM Building’s Name: ___________________________________ Owner’s Name: ____________________________________ Address of the building: _____________________________ Contact Numbers: _________________________________ BUILDING INFORMATION 1. Building Type: Commercial Residential Office Shop/Market Warehouse Factory House Others: ________________________ 2. Ownership: Government Private Mixed 3. Structure: Brick masonry Concrete Covered area: ___________ No. … Read more

Patient Assessment Plan: Steps, Phases, and Vital Signs

OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to: List the five general procedures a medical first responder should complete when arriving at the scene. List the six phases of the patient assessment plan. List the six steps of the initial assessment. Demonstrate … Read more

Respiratory Distress: Causes, Symptoms, and Pre-Hospital Treatment

OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to: Define respiratory distress. List seven signs and symptoms of respiratory distress. List five steps for pre-hospital treatment of respiratory distress. List four causes of respiratory distress. Define hyperventilation. List eight signs and symptoms of … Read more

Report Writing and Preparation For Next Call

OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to: Demonstrate how to record information about the patient’s condition and treatment given on the prescribed form. List five steps to decontaminate the transport vehicle. List four steps to decontaminate the stretcher. List three steps … Read more

Rescue from Fire Involved Buildings And Rescue Strategies

OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this lesson you will be able to: Define search and rescue operation. Define search & rescue size-up. Describe risk-benefit analysis. Explain search area safety and safe search principles. Enlist search-and-rescue equipment. Describe types of search. Describe the methods of rescue. 27.1. … Read more