Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:
- Define specialized vehicle.
- Describe the Aerial Hydraulic Platform & its technical specifications.
- Describe the Turntable Ladder (L-32) & its technical specifications.
- Define the Water Bowser Truck & its technical specification.
- Demonstrate the operation of specialized fire vehicles.
Specialized Vehicle:
A specialized vehicle which is used in firefighting at multistory buildings or high rise buildings and rescue operation (to evacuate the people from multistory & high rise buildings).
Aerial Hydraulic Platform:
The Aerial Hydraulic Platform manufactured on a suitable/appropriate truck chassis.
- Approximate Height: 60 feet.
- Boom: Telescopic.
- Rotation: 360° continuous either direction.
- Hydraulic System: Hydraulic pump with control valve equipped hydraulic oil tank and a filter.
- Bucket/Rescue Cage: Made of suitably reinforced light weight metal.
- Cage Dimensions:
- Length 5.0 ft, Width 3.0 ft, Height 4 ft.
- Minimum Load Capacity: 500 KGs
- Cage Rotation: 180 Degree (Left-Right) Hydraulically
- Non skid chequered aluminum floor.
- Front opening for easy rescue and a sliding rear door.
Rescue Cage Accessories:
- Monitor Suitable for Water/Foam made of corrosion-resistant material, fitted on the cage manually controlled.
Specifications: - Auxiliary Nozzle: (270° horizontal & +80 – 10 degrees vertical nozzle rotation) All weather.
- Intercom system: All weather.
- Small concentrated control panel with emergency stop switch and joy sticks.
- 2 Nos. Search lights turn able 1000 watts each.
- Hydraulically operated diamond cutter/disc of 10”–12” diameter, mounted in the cage with adjustable rod of 6’.
- 02 electric panels, 1 in rescue cage & 01 at the bottom of the boom.
- 60 feet emergency escape chute.
- 30 meter rappelling rope.
- 4 Nos. Safety Belts.
- 4 Nos. D Ring
- 4 Nos. Figure of Eight.
- 4 Nos. Seat Harness.
- 4 Nos. Full body harness.
- 8 Nos. Leather working gloves.
- 2 Nos. Fire man Axe with insulated handles.
- 1 No. Tool kit with 2kg hammer.
- 01 No. LED warning light bar with minimum 200dB siren and o PA system with 1 year warranty.
- 02 Nos. Emergency rotation lights at the rear of yellow Color.
- 4 Nos. Torches.
Turntable Ladder-32 (L-32):
Truck chassis:
- Ladder set should consist of sections of high-quality hollow steel profile with a height of 32 meters or more.
- The ladder should have an elevation of 70° and depression of -15°. The ladder must have 360° rotation.
- The rescue cage should have a long working space and should be designed for 3 persons with additional equipment of 270 Kg in total.
Fire Pump:
- Type: 2-Stage Centrifugal pump
- Material: Diffuser, Covers & Impeller of Bronze & Shaft Stainless Steel
- Performance: 3000 LPM at 10 Bar as per NFPA 1901 with control of both side of the vehicles.
- Suction: 4” BSS Threaded with Blank Cap
- Delivery: 2×2-1/2” Delivery outlets
- Location: Should be mounted at mid ship.
- Draft depth: Should draft water from 24 – 25 feet
Priming System:
- a) Type: Rotary Vane Electric.
- b) Drive: 12/24V DC.
- c) Control: Push Switch.
- d) Priming Time: @ 2 Sec per ft.
- e) Suction Head: 10 feet for testing.
- f) Lubrication: Oil bath lubrication (self-lubricant).
- A 500-liter stainless steel foam tank shall also be provided for storage of foam and proper foam mixing, devices should be installed.
- Proper foam proportioning system around the pump to be provided.
- A 2 ½” instantaneous coupling be provided at the cage for laying a hose line from the cage.
- A monitor (500 gal/min at 5 bar nozzle pressure) be provided at the cage for water and AFFF.
Standard Equipment:
- 4 ground blocks for the jacks.
- 1 emergency operation lever.
- 2 guy lines for the ladder set.
- 1 set of tools for the ladder superstructure.
- 1 warning triangle.
- 2 warning lights.
- 1 first-aid kit.
- 2 wheel wedges.
- 2 floodlights, each 230 V / 1000 W.
- Wireless communication between ground control & the cage control.
- 3–Way collecting head with non-return valves (light weight).
Water Bowser Truck:
Truck chassis:
Standardized (6 x 2) Truck Chassis approved by S&GAD and the Service with minimum load capacity of 21 Tons and minimum GVW of 27 Tons and minimum 200 HP Diesel Driven Engine 4 Stroke, 6 Cylinder, Water Cooled engine (quote separate price).
Compatible PTO of suitable power with valid warranty of the Chassis Manufacturer.
Water Tank:
- Capacity: 18000 Liters capacity tank.
- Material: Mild Steel of minimum 4mm thickness with Epoxy Coating after Sand Blasting (with a minimum life of over 10 years, certified by a third party).
- Suspension: Torsion free mounted on Rubber/Steel elements.
- Baffle Plates: Suitable No of baffle plates with access holes for maintenance and cleaning of minimum 500mm (as per NFPA standards).
- Tank Level Indicator: Glass tube visual level indicator for trouble-free level indication.
Fire Pump:
- Type: Centrifugal pump with self-priming system (with pump performance curves).
- Material: Diffuser, Covers & Impeller of Bronze & Shaft Stainless Steel.
- Performance: 4500 LPM at 10 Bar as per NFPA 1901 with control panel.
- Suction: 100 mm BSS Threaded with Blank Cap and chain rear of the vehicle.
- Delivery: 4 x 65 mm delivery outlets at rear of the vehicle.
- Location: Should be mounted at rear ship.
- Draft: Should draw water from 24 – 25 feet depth at 2 sec per feet rate.
- Stainless steel water/foam monitor fitted on the top of the vehicle with minimum discharge of 4500 Lpm and throw of 70 meters.
- Rotation 360 degrees.
- Elevation +70 to -15 degrees.
- Adjustable nozzle 1100-2600 Lpm with range of 70 m at 10 bar (imported).
- Monitor branches should be interchangeable.
Standard Accessories:
- LED Warning light bar with PA system: 01 No.
- Heavy duty siren system (panel A): 01 No.
- Suction Wrenches: 04 Nos.
- Heavy duty adjustable search lights (2 in front, 2 at rear): 04 Nos.
- Suction Hose 4” x 10’ with gunmetal coupling (size to be compatible to pump’s suction mouth): 02 Nos.
- Copper / Brass Suction Strainer With NRV (foot valve) covered by Basket Strainer tied with clamp: 01 No.
- Selectable gun type imported Nozzle 2.5 inch dia (range 115-230-360-475 LPM) – 02 Nos.
- Inspection Lamp 12V With 100′ Cord (50,000 candle lights) with suitable tripod – 01 No.
- Double lined Rubber embedded Delivery Hose 2.5″ x 100′ with aluminum coupling of 2.5 inches (Panel-A) – 10 Nos.
- Fire Hook – 02 Nos.
- Fire Crow Bar – 01 No.
- Fireman’s Gloves Nomex – 5 Pairs.
- Fire Man Axe with insulated handle – 01 No.
- Hammer 10 Pounds – 01 No.
- Rope Nylon 150 feet length diameter ½ inch (with covering bag) – 01 No.
- Collecting & Dividing breaching hand-controlled gun metal of 65 mm instantaneous couplings – 01 Each.
- DCP Fire extinguisher (ABC E type) 6 Kg capacity – 02 Nos.
- Standard tool kit of the truck – 01 Set.

Emma Lee, an expert in fire safety with years of firefighting and Rescuer experience, writes to educate on arescuer.com, sharing life-saving tips and insights.