Upon completion of this lesson, you will become familiar with:
- Names and background information of the course instructors, support staff and the other participants.
- The following aspects of the course that will be covered in this lesson:
- Expectations
- Objectives
- Methodology
- Testing
- Materials
- Logistics
- Course Overview
Getting to Know Each Other
Now we will have an exercise so that you may become familiar with the other participants in the course.
Participants’ Expectations
The purpose of this short exercise is to find out what your expectations of the Basic Rescue Course are – knowledge you hope to gain, skills you hope to acquire, etc.
Course Materials
3.1 Participant Workbook (PWB)
- The Participant Workbook is your own personal property and you need to keep it safe.
- We have ample space for you to take notes in order to reinforce the material you are learning. All the material you will be tested on will be drawn directly from the workbook.
Participant Equipment
You should have brought with you to the course a set of personal protective equipment and other work equipment and materials, as indicated:
Required equipment
- Safety helmet
- Eye protection
- Ear protection
- Dust mask
- Safety steel-toe boots
- Safety whistle
- Work gloves
- Work clothes (Long sleeve shirt)
- Canteen or water bottle, minimum 1-litre capacity
- Waterproof flashlight (mounted or hand-held with spare batteries)
- Insect repellent
- Raincoat or poncho
- Knee pads
- Elbow Pads
- Safety belt
Other Required Materials
- Work uniform or formal clothes for the opening and closing ceremonies
Course Methodology
The course methodology is highly participatory and allows constant interaction and feedback between the instructors and participants. You will be required to gain some background knowledge as well as acquire manual skills. Objectives are clearly stated at the beginning of each lesson.
- Lecture based
- Practical stations
- Scenario based drill
6.Evaluation Method:
You will be evaluated in this course using following methods:
Course Mid Term test: will be taken after completing half course.
Course Post Test: At the end of course you will have written course post test. Questions will be in the form of multiple choice or fill- in the blanks and subjective type.
Practical Evaluations: Lessons with a performance component will have a practical evaluation afterwards. Practical evaluations are scored as Pass or No-Pass, based on your performance of tasks and attention to safety.
7.Course Schedule and Attendance
The rules for attendance and participation are as follows:
- Participation in all classes and course activities is mandatory.
Punctuality – promotes mutual respect and responsibility among participants. It is obligatory to attend all activities (lessons, exercises and evaluations). Tardiness will not be accepted. Under special circumstances an exception be made, but not for more than 15 minutes late. Violation of this rule will result in the participant losing the lesson and being barred from passing the course.
Participant Feedback
Overall course feedback. Once you have completed all lessons and the Final Practical Evaluation, we will ask you to please complete the overall course feedback. We highly value your comments, as they will greatly assist us in improving the course for the future.
Facilities and Ground Rules
Classroom Etiquette
Smoking is prohibited inside any building, you will be able to smoke outside during breaks.
Not shouting & noising during iecture & practical.
- Take note of emergency procedures, classroom evacuation, emergency exits:
- Location of safety areas in the facilities, meeting points, etc.
- Location of the first aid kit and its contents:
- Emergency phone numbers, other:
The “File”
We will post a blank flipchart labeled “File” on one of the walls. We will use it to record questions and issues that will need to be clarified in later lessons or in the general review at the end of the course. You can also write down your questions here for future reference:

Emma Lee, an expert in fire safety with years of firefighting and Rescuer experience, writes to educate on arescuer.com, sharing life-saving tips and insights.